This information is the DR. SUSAN STUBITS, private practitioner of law, provides information on data processing through www.stubitslaw.com (hereinafter referred to as the data controller) through www.stubitslaw.com (hereinafter: Website).
this information information, the Data Controller intends to ensure the
constitutional principles and data security requirements of data protection.
a natural person identified or identified on the basis of any information,
Personal data:
any information on the data subject,
A voluntary declaration of the will of the data subject, based on a voluntary, determined and proper information, indicating through a declaration of declaration or other behavior that is unmistakably expressed by the person concerned, it gives a consent to the processing of personal data relevant to it,
Data Controller:
A natural or legal person or an organization without legal personality who, within the limits specified in the law or in the binding act of the European Union, defines the purpose of processing the data independently or with others, for data processing (including the asset used) make and execute relevant decisions or execute with the data processor,
Data Management:
Regardless of the procedure used, any operation or all of the actions on the data, especially collection, recording, recording, systematization, storage, alteration, use, query, transmission, disclosure, coordinate or connect, lock, cancel and destroy, To prevent further use of the data, to take photos, audio or images, and record the physical characteristics of the person (eg finger or palm, DNA sample, iris image),
Data Transmission:
To make the data available to a specific third person,
Data Wipe:
To make the data unrecognizable in such a way that recovery is no longer possible,
Third Party:
A natural or legal person or an organization without legal personality who is not the same as the Data Controller, the Data Processor, or the persons who carry out operations to manage personal data under the direct control of the controller or data processor,
Data Protection Incident:
Data security is a violation of personal data transmitted, stored or otherwise managed by accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, modification, unauthorized transmission or disclosure, or unauthorized access to them.
Guiding legislation
Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) 2016/679 April 2016) on the protection of natural persons regarding the processing of personal data and the free flow of such data, as well as on the repeal of Regulation (EC Privacy Regulation; hereinafter referred to as "GDPR"),
2011 CXII. Act on information self -determination and freedom of information (hereinafter referred to as "Infotv."),
2017 LXXVIII. Act on lawyer's activities (hereinafter referred to as "Üttv."),
Act V of 2013 on the Civil Code (hereinafter referred to as "Civil Code")
Data Controller Data and Availability
Name: DR. SUSAN STUBITS private practitioner of law
Corporate seat: 1117 Budapest, Móricz Zsigmond körtér 14.
E-mail address: stubits.stubitslaw@outlook.com
Phone number: +36 30 9303 190
Storage provider: Webnode AG Badenersstrasse 47, 8004 Zurich Switzerland
Principles during data management
The Data Controller follows the following principles during data management:
Managing personal data legally and fairly in a transparent way to the affected person ,
Personal data is collected only for specific, clear and legitimate purposes and does not handle them in an incompatible manner,
The Data Controller shall take all reasonable measures to ensure that the data it manages is accurate and up -to,
The Data Controller, using appropriate technical and organizational measures, ensures the safety of personal data against the unauthorized or unlawful processing, accidental loss, destruction or damage of the data.
The purpose of data management
Recording, confirming and providing contact with the date initiated by the data subject.
The scope of data treated
Name, email address, telephone number and legal problem.
Duration of data management
Data management will last until the data subject's request for cancellation.
The legal basis for data management
The consent of the data subject (Article 6 (1) (a) of GDPR.).
Cookies on the website
The Data Controller is called the so -called website. Use cookies (cookies).
Cookie is a shorter text type file stored on your computer or mobile device's hard drive and activated during later visits. The cookies used on the website are not suitable for identifying the person concerned.
Cookies are required to provide the website service, and their use is essential for navigating on the website and for the function of the website. Most of the browser programs accept cookies in terms of default, but the stakeholder can also use a setting that rejects the reception of cookies or indicates their arrival. You can easily delete cookies using your browser.
The Data Controller Use Google Analytics, which is the application of Google Inc. Google Analytics went to your computer cookies to analyze your activity on the website. The information created with cookies is stored on Google servers.
Google Analytics uses the following cookies: _GA (Storage of data: 2 years), _gat (data storage duration: 1 minute), _gid (data storage duration: 24 hours). The forms on the website also use _csrf cookies, which is the so -called. Cross-site Request Forgery is required.
The purpose of the cookie is to prevent others from submitting a form in the name of the person concerned. When viewing and using the website, if the settings of the data subject, in particular its browser settings allow this, the data processing will be carried out, which will automatically record your data on the website.
Cookies and other similar programs can be placed on this purpose for this purpose, which the data subject contributes to the use of the website for this purpose. I would like to inform those concerned that most of the browsers are available. Anonymous or incognito that does not record websites and files in browsing or account history.
The rights of the concerned
The data subject is entitled to that of his or her personal data.
- You should be informed about the facts related to data management prior to the start of data processing (hereinafter referred to as the right to pre -orientation),
- At your request, your personal information and the information related to them are made available to the Data Controller (hereinafter referred to as the right to access),
- At your request, your personal information should be corrected or supplemented by the Data Controller (hereinafter referred to as at the request),
- At your request, your personal information should be deleted by the Data Controller (hereinafter referred to as "the right to cancel)At your request, your personal information should be deleted by the Data Controller (hereinafter referred to as the right to cancel).
- At your request, your personal information should be deleted by the Data Controller (hereinafter referred to as the right to cancel).
Please contact the Data Controller at stubits.stubitslaw@outlook.com. If, in its opinion, the Data Controller manages his or her personal data by breach of the regulations specified in the process of processing personal data or in the binding act of the European Union, he or she has the right to apply to the territorially competent tribunal.
You can also complain to the National Data Protection and Freedom of Information Authority in order to enforce your rights:
Name: National Data Protection and Freedom of Information Authority
Address: 1055 Budapest, Falk Miksa utca 9-11.
Phone: +361 391-1400
E-mail: ursfelgalat@naih.hu
Managing personal data
The Data Controller retains the data he processes electronically at its headquarters. The Data Controller uses an IT system that ensures that the data is: be accessible to those who are eligible (availability), unchanged to be justified (data integration), authenticity should be secured (data processing credibility), and to be protected against unauthorized access (the confidentiality of data).
Procedural rules
The data subject may request the deletion or modification of his or her personal data or information about data management at the following email address: stubits.stubitslaw@outlook.com
At the request of the data subject, the Data Controller shall provide information on the data he has processed, the legal basis, purpose and duration of the data processing. The Data Controller is required to provide information in writing as soon as possible after the application, but no later than one month. If necessary, considering the complexity of the application and the number of applications.